Everything on this site is copyrighted by Jenna Star Friedman. You may not copy or reproduce anything here without written permission by me. Thank you.
This was painted in plein air from Howard Beach in Tarpon Springs. We set up right off the side of the parking lot, which you can see on the right side of the painting. I like the way the composition breaks down into these neat areas with the sandy beach on one side, strip of natural plants and trees down the middle, man-made parking area on the other side, and water and sky straight ahead. Beach Parking, 12x16", Oil Thanks for visiting!
Another creekside painting, this one has a somewhat abstracty (I know it's not a word) impressionistic quality. I don't usually paint in a square format, so this was an interesting challenge. Jenkins Creek, 12x12", Oil
I'm so far behind on posting my paintings and resolve (once again) to catch up. This painting has thick vibrant layers of oil paint. It was painted along the side of Brooker Creek. Red Tree, 10x8", Oil Thanks for visiting!