I'm posting a series of small watercolor paintings I did while in Arizona from May through June. I went back home to be with my mom. She spent her last month in the Hospice of the Valley in Phoenix as the cancer took over the rest of her body. I was with her every afternoon and night. I saw her pain and confusion and struggle, but also I became aware of a grace I didn't know she had. In the mornings, I painted on my sister's patio and walked her dog. The emotional anquish and impact of this time affected me deeply. I became aware of some changes I needed to implement in my own life, which I have started since returning to Florida. It's not easy. Anyway. Painting is my grounding and my outlet. I need to paint. The next few posts I'll put up some of the little watercolors and sketches I did while waiting with my mom for her next journey.
I'm so sorry to hear about your mom. Painting can be so healing and give such comfort.
Thanks so much BJ. Painting gets me through.
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