Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Morning Stroll, Sand Hill Cranes

I saw these two sand hill cranes strolling the PHCC campus one day and luckily - for once - had my camera with me. The sand hill cranes are not afraid of people it seems, and they calmly walk around, usually in pairs and sometimes with a couple of chicks. I painted this in pastel recently.
Morning Stroll, Pastel, 8x10, matted and framed.
Thanks for looking!
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Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Tern and Gull

I paint with watercolors all the time but rarely post the images here. Here's one I just finished. I was playing with different textures when I painted this. I like the way the birds are looking in opposite directions.
Tern and Gull, Watercolor, 5x7"
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