Saturday, May 28, 2011

Bayou Marsh

Our plein air group has been painting this month along Bayou Drive - a favorite location in Hernando County. I painted this from the side of the road. It's great when I can pull over the car and paint right out of the back of it. I fantasize about being one of those artists that travels around the country in an RV, just going wherever and painting every day. On second thought, I think I'm more the clean room in a hotel with room service kind of traveller. Wait - it's a fantasy - ok I'm back in the RV meandering the back roads with my dogs and a couple of good friends.
Bayou Marsh, 9x12" Oil
Thanks for visiting!
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Sunday, May 15, 2011

Safe Harbor

A pastel painting of one of my favorite views in Phillipe Park, Safety Harbor FL. My plein air group went there several months back. I only recently completed this painting and entered it into the Pastel Society of Tampa Bay's juried show, "Possiblities in Pastel IV". This show was juried and judged by Doug Dawson, who spoke briefly at the Opening on Friday evening. He said he makes his decisions based simply on whether he likes a painting. Yes, art appreciation is very subjective isn't it?! If you like this painting, you can purchase it for $250 by contacting me at Thanks for visiting my blog.
"Safe Harbor" Pastel, 11x14"
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Sunday, May 08, 2011

West Coast Plein Air Painting Sites May 2011

Hello painters - We will be painting along Bayou Drive in Hernando County for the month of May. Long views and salt marshes along the Gulf; the closest public restrooms are in nearby Bayport Park. Meet at 9:30 on Friday mornings (5/6,13,20 and 27) on Bayou Drive near Pine Island Drive.,+Spring+Hill,+FL&aq=0&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=41.139534,93.076172&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Bayou+Dr,+Bayport,+Hernando,+Florida&ll=28.553767,-82.646284&spn=0.044707,0.090895&z=14