Monday, April 04, 2011

Plein Air Paint Out at the JG Ranch

We are on to do a paintout at the JG Ranch on Saturday, April 30 from 10am to 2pm. The owners have really enjoyed having us painting out there and would like to make this a public event. Blueberries will be ready for picking. You can bring a couple of paintings to set up near you to sell if you want. There will be parking for the artists (by the cows) and they can handle 10-15 artists. Please let me know if you plan to be a part of this paintout so we keep the numbers within limits.

JG Ranch (strawberry, blueberry farm and they have cows) is located at 17200 Wiscon Road Brooksville.
Map for JG Ranch. They will have a sign on the road where to turn into their ranch.----- Look for the "U Pick" sign on the south side of Wiscon Rd. and follow the dirt road all the way back to the picking area.

West Coast Plein Air Painting Sites April 2011

Hello Plein Air Painters! Our group will be painting at two locations at 9:30 on Fridays in April:

April 1 and 8: Along the Dunedin Causeway to Honeymoon Island: Meet in the parking area by the Kayak Rentals on the south side of the Causeway.

April 15 and 22: On Honeymoon Island: meet in the farthest west parking area along the beach side.

***We are planning a possible publicized paintout for the last Saturday of April - more details to come when details are finalized.

Click on the link below for map and directions to Honeymoon.,+Causeway+Boulevard,+Dunedin,+FL&aq=1&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=41.139534,93.076172&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Honeymoon+Island+Island+State+Recreation+Ctr,+1+Causeway+Blvd,+Dunedin,+Florida+34698-8561&ll=28.075464,-82.824726&spn=0.089817,0.181789&z=13&iwloc=A